Friday, 8 December 2006

Well... pant... puff... Back from the Post Office and earwigs are on their way. Had to rush because they close at 5.30! Good job I went - the nice man was serving and he tells me last post for the USA is this Monday!!! 11th December for stuff to get to the USA for Christmas - it earlier every year!

So be a panic over the weekend to get my Secret Santa posted off to XXXX
Fooled yer - thought I was going to say who then didn’t yer? LOL

The Tree earwigs I’ve just posted I’ll call NUMBER ONE of the 25 Motif challenge
I shall tat & share a mix of stuff for this:
Some will be my designs (with & without patterns)
Other people’s designs I’ve been itching to work
And my interpretations of other peoples designs

There will also be pictures of what I’m up to on eBay. Like at the moment I have a few of my decorated shuttles for sale and some of the Tree earwigs

Which for some unknown reason I can't get the picture below this bit... Ah well little by little I'll get the hang of this Bloging game

I see emails are coming in that need my attentions
Later alligator Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


Nancy said...

Hi Sue! Fun to see a picture of you after talking to you. :-)

BTW, you really threw me with the "tree earwigs". Here in Colorado they're a nasty bug with a painful pinch. ewww!

Nancy Tracy

Yorkie Sue's Tatting said...

Yep we have them critters here too!

Blame Jane E, she calls 'em that and well... it sorta rubbed off! LOL